Are Running Shoes Worth it?

We all know that running is quite tough on our joints. So, does a pair of good running shoes make any difference? Our latest blog post is a re-share of an ABC Brisbane Radio conversation. Listen to Katherine Feeney in conversation with a Podiatrist to better understand whether running shoes are really worth it.

Listen to the podcast below, or head over to ABC News

A good run, a bit of jogging or even a regular walk are all said to be good for your health, but running is actually quite tough on your joints so does a good pair of running shoes make a difference and, if they so, how do you know which is the best kind of running shoe for you? Are running shoes really worth it? Andrew Barlow is a local podiatrist and he's chatting with ABC Radio Brisbane Afternoons presenter Katherine Feeney.

Duration: 8min 42sec Broadcast: Thu 22 Aug 2019, 2:00pm

Worth It? Running shoes
ABC Australia; On Afternoons with Katherine Feeney